Dates donapos;t include your parents. Although it was less awkward than having it be my mom, and Chris has parents made of win and awesome. His dad is intimidating, though. I can see why Chris and Erin are such geniuses, they were homeschooled by two people who could probably take over the world if they wanted to
The film (W.) itself was pretty good (apparently on the same level of the Dark-- Iapos;ll drop it-- In hell). It wasnapos;t biased, or at least didnapos;t feel that way. I must admit that Brolin did portray Bush in a way that felt hilariously authentic, yet even at times sympathetic. But sort of the same sympathy you give to the person you hate whoapos;s dog has just died. The editing was well done, many scenes of real taped events had the actors edited in lieu of the real people. Iapos;d suggest to see the film, maybe not if youapos;re some sort of hardcore conservative, because that might actually cause you to dismiss it as lies and left wing bullcrap, but then again what isnapos;t?
Hahaha, itapos;s bad when you laugh at your own jokes.
Yeah, so Iapos;m pretty excited about Monday (*hinthint*journalstalker*winkwink*) and yeah. And yeah. And yeah.
Later days
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