понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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I have recently decided to start trimming my friends list. Lately, my life has been very hectic and I just havenapos;t had time to keep up the way Iapos;d like to. If youapos;re one of the people who Iapos;ve trimmed, please donapos;t take it personally. It was nothing that any of you have said or done. For the most part Iapos;m trimming folks I really donapos;t feel I know that well or that havenapos;t commented or posted in a long time. If time frees up this may change.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

fox 24 insider

I have never been one to have reoccurring dreams, never had to take a test naked or been flying, but lately I have noticed a few elements of my dreams pop up every now and again

1. I have had a few dreams in which I meet Anthony Rapp, the guy who played Mark in both the Broadway and film versions of RENT. I have had 1 or 2 dreams where I meet him and one where I met Mark. In each of these dreams meeting him is never the main event, it is usually something like I need to get somewhere and Anthony Rapp just happens to be driving the car.

2. I have had a few dreams in which me and Miley Cyrus have some sort of relationship. As far as I can tell she is of age or I am a minor in these dreams, thus I cling to the idea that I am not a perv. The last dream I had with her in it I won her over with a large musical number that involved British celebrities and me showering nude in the driveway of her old house (which I had won in a contest or something, I think.) By the end of the number I was fully dressed in a 19th century explorers outfit complete with safari hat and we were all enjoying an impressive feast by torch light.

I got a part time job, every weekend from 2 to 7 you can find me standing in front of the Wal-Mart in Yelm holding a sign that says "Donapos;t shop at Wal-Mart." and getting yelled at by rednecks. Itapos;s not a bad deal, I get $9 an hour for talking with my fellow protesters, reciting all the dialog to Aladdin to myself and counting the amount of times I get flipped off (11 so far.)

I work for the UFCW 367 (Union of Food and Commercial Workers) and we are protesting Wal-Mart because they donapos;t pay a living wage, donapos;t give very good hours and donapos;t offer very good benefits, unlike the other stores in the area like Safeway. That is the one reason we are out there.

Iapos;d like to take a moment here to address the rednecks and other people that yell at me while I am doing my job, because I am pretty sure they all read my livejournal.

Dear Yaapos;ll

Thanks for telling me to get a job, but I already have one, this is it, my job is to tell you the Wal-Mart you love so is evil. It is pure evil, you may have noticed this when saw Satan picking up a dozen eggs there yesterday...okay, it isnapos;t that evil, but it is pretty damn close.

When you call me an idiot it does hurt, but I donapos;t let it get to me because, guess what? YOU LIVE IN FUCKING YELM. You live in Yelm, the mentally disabled little brother of Tacoma and you drive an 83 Toyota that looks like it was stored underwater. I just canapos;t take you that seriously.

When you drive by at 30 MPH and yell at me, I can really only hear half of what you say, so keep it brief, for example, that girl that yelled "I can shop where ever the fuck I want you commie bastards." I really only caught the "Commie bastards." part, which was awesome.

To the people who yell "Wal-Mart rules." It really doesnapos;t, but you look like youapos;re 14 and are clearly driving your momapos;s car, so I really donapos;t expect to change your mind.

To all the people who roll down their windows, giggle with their friends, look at me, giggle some more and then roll up the window. Grow some goddamn balls, I know you want to say something to me, I donapos;t care what it is, can it really be any worse than the bitter Wal-Mart employees that tell me I quote "Fucking suck."? Go ahead, say something to me, I dare ya, I double dare ya, say something to me again.


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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Dates donapos;t include your parents. Although it was less awkward than having it be my mom, and Chris has parents made of win and awesome. His dad is intimidating, though. I can see why Chris and Erin are such geniuses, they were homeschooled by two people who could probably take over the world if they wanted to

The film (W.) itself was pretty good (apparently on the same level of the Dark-- Iapos;ll drop it-- In hell). It wasnapos;t biased, or at least didnapos;t feel that way. I must admit that Brolin did portray Bush in a way that felt hilariously authentic, yet even at times sympathetic. But sort of the same sympathy you give to the person you hate whoapos;s dog has just died. The editing was well done, many scenes of real taped events had the actors edited in lieu of the real people. Iapos;d suggest to see the film, maybe not if youapos;re some sort of hardcore conservative, because that might actually cause you to dismiss it as lies and left wing bullcrap, but then again what isnapos;t?

Hahaha, itapos;s bad when you laugh at your own jokes.

Yeah, so Iapos;m pretty excited about Monday (*hinthint*journalstalker*winkwink*) and yeah. And yeah. And yeah.

Later days

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On the surface today would look like another throw away day. However, I was surfing the channels on the television and came across an author that was in an interview on our local network affiliate news cable channel. Who the author was is not the significance but I did order his book from Amazon with another recommended book. That caused me to check these men out on Wikipedia the on-line encyclopedia. One of them was said to be influenced by a paleontologist named Teilhard de Chardin. That name rang a bell because I had on my shelf a book about this man. In fact, this book has been on my shelf for 32 years and probably at best skimmed by me when it first arrived in the mail. During the past five years, I have totally rejected my world view and found another that is more intellectually satisfying. Tonight I picked up that book and started reading and to my surprise this paleontologist and I have a similar world view. Then everything came into clear focus. I have been evolving for years and the past was necessary for the present. I did what was necessary to fulfill my family obligations while in the meantime I have done some serious thinking. I clearly see the mistakes of the past and now I have a plan that may be good for the future. Stay tuned to see what happens.

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Why do I torture myself?

On a completely unrelated note: I love that so far, the gym Iapos;m attending is fairly quiet when I go. I was alone for a good portion of my time there today. It makes less self-conscious about lip-syncing to my music.

The world needs more deep purple hues.

I hope enough people will RSVP for my pirate murder mystery party, otherwise itapos;ll be just a POTC-watching party. Still fun, but less engaging.

It irks me that you are happy enough to take me on your excursions, but dismiss mine out of hand.

Iapos;m so happy that itapos;s the weekend I canapos;t wait to go to the library and get a few other errands and tasks done tomorrow.

Iapos;m off to rewatch Dr. Horrible.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

de activated weapons

Many smiles but one frown:D

met up with px and xl� for lunch today:D
thanks for the cake necklace:):)
i love it:)
(upload photos when ive it)

lesson start at 1 today and end at 5. Its all for one module, knowledge management.
really boliao, i hope they take away the 1hr break in between. Cos its really a waste of time.
oh anyway, the apos;ITapos; girls bought 2 cakes and sang happybirthday song to me:D

thanks alot:):):)

oh, then i went out after sch. Haha. �fullstop.
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from ground loop satellite

Back is still grrr, with a bonus grumpy section in my left shoulder blade... Prickles of pain fro it being too tight and tense. And there is too much to do today to take much of anything. I have a date with some friends. That should be fun. :) Yes I will be MM free tonight, and tomorrow we get to go buy a present for a party and a visit Trader Joeapos;s for the first time. I have real shopping to do as well. Somehow we are out of cheese. Not sure how that happened.

Wee... I never thought Friday would get here. I am glad.

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